In Short?
I'm a husband and father of four living in Anchorage, Alaska. I was born in St. Petersburg Russia and migrated to New York at the age of four. Brooklyn and its people raised me until having joined the Army as a paralegal out of highschool.
After working 4 years of active duty in military justice, I married my wife and became a first time stay at home dad for our newborn and my stepson. I spent the next 4 years raising my first kids, going to Columbia College, and working Trial Defense Service for the Army Reserve.
We all ended up in Anchorage and set our roots. I spent a few years volunteering and working different positions at a local nonprofit S.T.A.R (Standing Together Agaisnt Rape) as a educator, advocate, and events/volunteer coordinator. Due to a decline in family health, I left to be my famlies caregiver fulltime.
The last few years have been surrounded around my wife and children. Living some of the most difficult and equally amazing moments in my life.
I'm currently starting up Alaska Club Kink so Anchorage can have its own Comedy Kink Club. A place that provides Comedy, Sex Education, and a Safe Place to Play.
I'm also have another business in the works and some projects I need help on. Check Out Some Of My Ideas.